Information and Communication Technologies

With the "Information and Communication Technology" (ICT) thematic programme, the WWTF aims to promote research that furthers understanding of fundamental questions in computer science and related fields. The programme is open to projects ranging from theoretical computer science to studies with origins and applications in other fields. Applicants are encouraged to consider perspectives for medium-term social and economic impact, while retaining focus on furthering state-of-the-art in the ICT field itself.

Contact: Michael Strassnig or Grace Liu or Benjamin Missbach

Current calls

The Information and Communication Technology 2025 Call opened for submissions on 18th October 2024. This call is open to researchers in Vienna is open to researchers at universities and research institutes in Vienna and Lower Austria, who seek to conduct a cutting-edge research projects (2 to 4 years) to address a fundamental research question in the ICT fields.

A total of €8 million has been dedicated to this call. The funding range per project is € 500,000 – € 800,000. Additional funding opportunities are available for collaborative projects between scientists in Vienna and Lower Austria. In this case, the funding budget per project for Joint projects is € 880,000.

This is a two-stage call:

  • Deadline for short proposals: 11th February 2025 -  2pm 
  • Deadline for full proposals (upon invitation): 6th May 2025
  • Applicant response phase (for full proposal applicants only): 11th – 25th August 2025 (exact dates tbd)
  • The funding decision is expected in September 2025

Info Session will be held on the 13th November 2024 10am via Zoom (No registration needed):

All necessary documents for the submission can be found via our WWTF Wiki. (please be aware that we are currently piloting this mode in this call. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please let us know)

Please do not hesitate to contact the call managers for more details:

Benjamin Missbach | | Tel.: +43 1 402 31 43 15
Michael Strassnig| | Tel.: +43 1 402 31 43 19

Earlier calls

Digital Humanism

The Information and Communication Technology 2023 Call „Digital Humanism” invited scientists to conduct interdisciplinary projects (2 - 4 years)  between social sciences & humanities and computer sciences/ICT that address digital technologies & practices from a human-centered and societal perspective in the field of Digital Humanism. The funding range per project was € 300,000 - € 600,000. In total, WWTF funded six excellent projects with € 3.5 million in total.

Funding volume: € 3,500,000
Number of applications: 60 short proposals, 21 full proposals
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel, based on written reviews
Jury meeting: 11th June 2024 (hybrid)
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: 26th June 2024 

Contact person: Michael Strassnig

Vili Lehdonvirta (chair FP) |  University of Oxford, UK & Aalto University, FI

Edward E. Lee (chair SP) | UC Berkeley, US

Wijnand Ijsselsteijn | Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Dino Pedreschi | University of Pisa, IT

Isabel Valera | Universität des Saarlandes, DE

Michael Veale | University College London, UK

Sally Wyatt | Maastricht University; Digital Society Netherlands, NL

Funded projects

The ICT Call 2022 was open to researchers at universities and non-university research institutions in Vienna and Lower Austria, who seek to conduct a cutting-edge research projects (2 to 4 years) to address a fundamental research question in the ICT fields. The funding range per project was €400,000 - €880,000. In total, WWTF was able to fund nine excellent projects.

Funding volume: € 6,606,000
Number of applications: 66 short proposals, 26 full proposals
Evaluation procedure: Selection by international expert panel, based on written reviews
Jury meeting: 29th November 2022 (online)
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: 20th December 2022

Contact person: Grace Liu

Members of the call jury:

Marta Kwiatkowska (Chair) | University of Oxford, UK
Barbara Caputo | Politecnico Di Torino, IT
Liqun Chen | University of Surrey, UK
Aristides Gionis | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE
Valérie Issarny | Inria, FR
Alexander Mädche | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
Tiziana Margaria | University of Limerick, IE
Petar Popovski | Aalborg University, DK
Rüdiger Westermann | TU Munich, DE

Funded projects

Digital Humanism

The Call "Digital Humanism" within WWTF Programme „Information and Communication Technology“ invited scientists to conduct interdisciplinary projects between social sciences & humanities and computer science / data science. These projects should engage constructively with the topic of digitalisiation which aims to re-align the technological developments to human and social needs in the spirit of Digital Humanism.   

The call is co-financed by the City of Vienna. Furthermore, applications of "Joint Projects" between research institutions in Vienna and Lower Austria were possible, and as a result, projects are also co-financed by the Federal State of Lower Austria.

The international jury chaired by Sally Wyatt (Maastricht University) recommended 9 projects for funding.



Funding volume: € 3 593 680
Number of applications: 99 Short Proposals, 26 Full Proposals
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: April 19 / 21, 2021
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: May 26, 2021

Contact person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the Call Jury:

Sally Wyatt (chair) | Maastricht University; Digital Society Netherlands, NL

Rebecca Eynon | Oxford University, UK

Manfred Hauswirth | TU Berlin; Weizenbaum Institut Berlin, DE

Wijnand Ijsselsteijn | Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Jim Larus | EPFL, CH

Edward E. Lee | UC Berkeley, US

Stefania Milan | University of Amsterdam, NL

Jo Pierson | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE


Funded projects

Funding volume: 5.525.150 €
Number of applications: 96 short proposals, 26 invited for submitting a full proposal 
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: October 2, 2019
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: October 22, 2019

Contact person: Michael Strassnig

For further information on the call see: Call Fiche ICT2019

Information about the funded projects will be published here as well as in WWTF's funding database after the funding contracts have been signed. 

In this call, 7 projects wen to TU Wien, 2 to the University of Vienna. 

Members of the call jury:

Rüdiger Westermann (chair) | TU Munich, DE
Antonio Acin | ICFO Barcelona, ES
Christel Baier | TU Dresden, DE
Frank de Boer | Leiden University, NL
Luc de Raedt | KU Leuven, BE
Daniel Keim | University of Konstanz, DE
Kristian Kersting | TU Darmstadt, DE
Barbara Pernici | Politecnico di Milano, IT
Petar Popovski | Aalborg University, DK
Ingrid Verbauwhede | KU Leuven, BE

Funded projects

Funding volume: 5,108,000 €
Number of applications: 137 short proposals, 22 invited for submitting a full proposal
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: September 4, 2015
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: September 11, 2015

Contact: Marita Benkwitz

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Matthias Jarke (jury chair) | RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology, DE
  • Andrea Back | University of St. Gallen, CH
  • Christian Bischof | TU Darmstadt, DE
  • Antonio Capone | Technical University of Milan, IT
  • Marta Kwiatkowska | University of Oxford, UK
  • Carol O’Sullivan | Disney Research, US
  • Alfonso Valencia | CNIO Madrid , ES

Funded projects

Funding volume: 5,000,000 €
Number of applications: 63 full proposals
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: June 18-19, 2012
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: June 26, 2012

Contact: Marita Benkwitz

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Markus Gross (Co-Chair) | ETH Zürich and Director of Disney Research Zürich, CH
  • Hans Ulrich Buhl (Co-Chair) | University of Augsburg, DE
  • Antonio Acín | ICFO Barcelona, ES
  • Sonia Aïssa | INRS, FR
  • Alexandra Duel-Hallen | North Carolina State University, US
  • Paola Inverardi | Università dell'Aquila, IT
  • Valérie Issarny | INRIA Paris, FR
  • Daniel Keim | University of Konstanz, DE
  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec | INRIA Rennes, FR
  • Marta Kwiatkowska | Oxford University, UK

Funded projects

Funding volume: 5,111,000 €
Number of applications: 67 full proposals
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: June 7-8, 2010
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: June 22, 2010

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Wolfgang Utschick (jury chair) | Technical University of Munich, DE
  • Antonio Acin | ICFO Barcelona, ES
  • Hans Ulrich Buhl | University of Augsburg, DE
  • Rita Cucchiara | Università degli Studi di Modena, IT
  • Anja Feldmann | Technische Universität Berlin, DE
  • Fadhel  M. Ghannouchi | University of Calgary, CA
  • Sybille Hellebrand | University of Paderborn, DE
  • Mary Ann Ingram | Georgia Institute of Technology, US
  • Paola Inverardi | Università dell'Aquila, IT
  • Amos Lapidoth | ETH Zurich, CH
  • Carol O‘Sullivan | Trinity College Dublin, IE
  • David S. Rosenblum | University College London, UK
  • Bernhard Rumpe | Aachen University, DE
  • Wolfgang Wahlster | German Research Centre for AI, DE

Funded projects

Funding volume: 4,980,000 €
Number of applications: 50 full proposals
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peer
Jury meeting: October 23-24, 2008
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: November 11, 2008

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (jury chair) | University of Geneva, CH
  • Manfred Broy | Technical University of Munich, DE
  • Peter Buneman | University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Giuseppe Caire | University of Southern California, US
  • Andrzej Duda | Grenoble Institute of Technology, FR
  • Fadhel Ghannouchi | University of Calgary, CA
  • Matthias Jarke |Aachen University, DE
  • Jörg Leuthold | University of Karlsruhe, DE
  • Björn Ottersten | Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, SE
  • Catuscia Palamidessi | École Polytechnique, FR
  • Yves Pigneur | University of Lausanne, CH
  • Steffen Staab | University of Koblenz, DE
  • Tamas Sziranyi | Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU

Funded projects

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