Understanding Language in Context
Dauer: 96 Monate, Fördersumme: € 1.599.016
An interdisciplinary approach to learn and test the causal mapping between neural network dynamics and behavior
Dauer: 48 Monate, Fördersumme: € 799.998
Tissue clearing and labelling with Megasound
Dauer: 18 Monate, Fördersumme: € 74.690
The interplay between cognition and ecology in extractive foraging behaviours
Dauer: 96 Monate, Fördersumme: € 1.599.840
Neuronal and neuropeptidergic mechanisms for flexible control of learning and memory
Dauer: 72 Monate, Fördersumme: € 1.599.980
Decoding cellular senescence in glioblastoma (GlioAge)
Dauer: 36 Monate, Fördersumme: € 898.970