Science with all senses - Gender and Science in the Making

The research project observes childrens’ (4-10 years) interactions with and within science and technology related exhibition displays in Viennese museums. The project is interested in the production of implicit and explicit knowledge by multisensory, multimedia displays taking in account the more general topic of „felt“ knowledge and its relation to gender. It therefore will investigate modes of gendered sensuality and embodied knowledge. The „sensescape“ of exhibtions is explored and the different uses that children make of object-worlds are ana-lysed. What is the perceptional „grammar“ of certain displays? How is the children’s percep-tion organized and directed by displays on the one hand and how do they interact with and within them on the other hand? How does playful learning „with all senses“ relate to formal science education and how are gender-issues at stake? The project furthermore identifies design-elements and communicational features with a gender impact and will together with exhibition planners, curators, mediators and artists develop and evaluate gender-sensitive, inclusive science communication formats for young people.